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Bootcamp & activities

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Article 1. Application general terms andconditions

1.      Unless expressly communicated otherwise by Tomorrowland, these general terms and conditions (“Terms”) apply to allactivities (kids camps, DJ/producer boot camps and any activities and/ortrainings) organized by the WEAREONE.WORLD BV with registered office at KorteVlierstraat 6, 2000 Antwerp and registered in the CBE with number 0867.239.782 ("Tomorrowland") under the name of the “TomorrowlandAcademy”, with the exception of those activities it organizes through itsonline platform (and regarding which following terms apply: [])("Activity”/”Activities").

2.      Any registration, booking, reservation for orpayment by any individual (natural person or legal entity) (“Customer”) forany Activity implies the express, unconditional and irrevocable acceptance,without any reservation, of these Terms by the Customer (as well as by anyperson in whose name and/or on whose behalf the Customer completes suchregistration, booking, reservation and/or payment), who acknowledges havingtaken notice of their contents.

3.      These Terms can be consulted, in their latestand valid version, on the Tomorrowland Academy website, via the followinghyperlink: []. Tomorrowlandreserves the right to amend and/or update these Terms from time to time. Suchamendments will be announced on the Tomorrowland Academy website and, if suchamendments and/or updates would apply to uncompleted Activities (if any), byemail to the email address provided by the Customer.

4.      These Terms do not in any way affect anymandatory legislation applicable to the Customer who is a consumer within themeaning of Article I,1, 2° of the Code of Economic Law (“CEL”).

5.      In the event the Activity/Activities include ticketsfor the festival Tomorrowland, the general terms and conditions of the festivalTomorrowland (, as amended from time to time, shall applywith regard to such tickets.


Article 2. Reservations, registrations andmembership

1.      Unless otherwise agreed between Tomorrowland andCustomer, only registrations, bookings or reservations for Activities throughthe Tomorrowland Academy website will be registered and accepted.

2.      The Customer acknowledges and accepts that allActivities are only accessible to the age groups shown on the website.

3.      To register for, book or reserve an Activity,the Customer must complete the online registration form for the specificActivity in a complete and correct manner. Customers must be at least 18 yearsold or have received their parents’ or legal guardians’ consent to make suchregistration, booking or reservation and enter into this agreement.

4.      If the desired Activity is still available, theCustomer completes the registration process online, thereby accepting these Termsand paying for the Activity.

5.      Upon successful registration and payment for theActivity, the Customer will receive an email confirming the registration andconfirming payment.

6.      In any case, the contract between Tomorrowland andthe Customer regarding the Activity shall only come into existence upon thetransfer of the written confirmation of the registration by Tomorrowland.

7.      Any registration confirmed by Tomorrowland isfinal. Unless otherwise required by mandatory law, the Customer cannot cancel aregistration or claim a refund. At the Customer's express request via []and subject to Tomorrowland’s written agreement, the Customer may allow aperson other than the person who was registered to participate in the Activity.


Article 3. Prices and Payment

1.      The prices indicated on the Tomorrowland Academywebsite include VAT and are stated in Euros. The offer and the price are validon the day the offer is mentioned on the website and/or the registration,booking reservation or purchase is completed. The offer and price of theActivities may be changed by Tomorrowland at any time prior to the purchase bythe Customer.

2.      Any discounts granted to the Customer forparticipation in an Activity, if any, will be expressly listed on the TomorrowlandAcademy website. Discounts are not cumulative and are automatically settled.Unlawfully obtained discounts will be recovered.

3.      The Customer can only pay for the Activityonline upon registration through Tomorrowland’s online payment system.  

4.      The price of the Activity includes all costs forteaching materials, accommodation, supervision, hosting and insurance. Unlessexpressly stated otherwise in the description of the Activity on the TomorrowlandAcademy website, catering/lunch/drinks are not included in the price.

5.      Non-attendance, late arrival or early departureat an Activity shall not give rise to any refund or compensation, even if such non-attendance,late arrival or early departure is due to an accident or illness of theparticipant.

6.      Tomorrowland does not issue tax certificates forActivities organized specifically for minors.


Article 4. Changes to and/or Cancellation of anActivity

1.      Tomorrowland reserves the right  to make changes to the program before orduring the Activity. In doing so, any adverse consequences for the Customer orparticipants will be limited as much as possible. In such case, the Customershall not be entitled to any compensation and/or reimbursement.

2.      Tomorrowland reserves the right to cancel and/orreschedule an Activity. In this case, Tomorrowland shall informthe Customer immediately, at the email address provided by the Customer. TheCustomer shall receive a refund of the price paid for the Activity if theActivity is cancelled, without being entitled to claim any compensation.

3.      Tomorrowland reserves the right to cancelActivities which are organized by Tomorrowland during and in direct relation tothe festival Tomorrowland in Boom (Belgium), in the event the festivalTomorrowland is cancelled.



Article 5. Copyright, Intellectual Property andRight of Use

1.       The copyright and/or any other intellectualproperty rights related to any materials provided by Tomorrowland in relationto an Activity organized by Tomorrowland remain the property of Tomorrowland.The Customer may not in any way copy, download and/or reproduce anydocuments/images/information/course materials/… of Tomorrowland and/or theTomorrowland Academy without the express prior written consent of Tomorrowland.

2.       In case the Customer infringes the intellectual propertyrights or other rights of Tomorrowland or third parties, the Customer shallindemnify and hold harmless Tomorrowland and/or third parties for all claimsresulting from such infringement of these rights.

3.       Tomorrowland grants the Customer a limited,non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the materials and relatedservices of the Tomorrowland Academy for its personal education.

4.       The Tomorrowland Academy and its materials areintended solely for the personal and non-commercial use by the Customer and mayunder no circumstances be shared with persons other than the Customer.


Article 6. Liability

1.      Except as otherwise required by mandatory law, Tomorrowlandshall not be liable for any damage, from any cause whatsoever, to property orpersons caused by or in connection with participation in an Activity.  

2.      To the extent Tomorrowland is liable for anydamages, such liability shall be limited to direct and reasonably foreseeable damagesrelated to the Activities with the express exclusion of indirect damages,consequential damages, incidental damages and special damages, (such as but notlimited to: economic loss, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, loss of dataor communication, hacking, intrusion into the communication systems, loss oflogin data, damage in case of incompleteness, obsolescence or errors in the materials,etc.) and this up to the maximum amount actually covered by its insurance.

3.      Tomorrowland bears no responsibility orliability for any damage (including injury or material damage) that may becaused by the Customer to itself or third parties upon participation inActivities.

4.      For Activities organized by Tomorrowland forminors, the Customer shall provide all necessary information to Tomorrowland atthe time of registration so that the minor participant can participate in theActivity in optimal conditions. It is the Customer's responsibility to transferthe necessary information regarding use of medication and/or allergens of theminor participant to Tomorrowland. In the event that the Customer requests Tomorrowlandto administer medication to a minor participant during the Activity, Tomorrowlandshall only do so upon receipt of and in accordance with the administrationprescription drawn up by the treating doctor. Unless mandatory legislationstates otherwise, Tomorrowland and/or its employees cannot be held liable forany consequences or side effects that may occur after such administration.  


Article 7. Force majeure

1.      In the event of force majeure, Tomorrowland cannotbe obliged to organize the Activity and/or perform any part thereof. In thatcase, Tomorrowland can either suspend its obligations for the duration of theforce majeure or dissolve the agreement permanently and annul or change thedate of the affected Activity at no cost.  

Force majeure is anycircumstance beyond the will and control of Tomorrowland which prevents thefulfillment of the obligations of Tomorrowland in whole or in part. Thisincludes (but is not limited to): disruption of internet, unexpected governmentmeasures, quarantines, an epidemic, fire, operational failures, energyfailures, failures in goods, equipment, software or materials of third parties,failures in communication systems used, ...

Article 8. Rules ofConduct

1.      The Customer acknowledges and accepts that byregistering for an Activity, Customer and participant agree to Tomorrowland andTomorrowland Academy policies, their rules of conduct and policies during theActivity. The rules of conduct include such basic values as politeness andrespect for each other, speakers, Tomorrowland and Tomorrowland Academy staffas well as for the materials used during the Activities. If the Customer orparticipant in the Activity does not abide by these basic rules, Tomorrowland reservesthe right to immediately exclude the Customer or participant from further accessto the Activity, without the Customer being able to assert any right toreimbursement and/or compensation.


Article 9. Image Material

1.      By registering, Customer acknowledges andaccepts that Tomorrowland and the Tomorrowland Academy may take non-targeted ortargeted (subject to valid consent) photographs and/or images of participantsduring the Activities and use them for publicity purposes (including but notlimited to publication on the Tomorrowland Academy website, brochures, socialmedia, ...).

2.      If the Customer registers a minor participantfor an Activity, the Customer shall specifically indicate whether or not he orshe gives valid permission to Tomorrowland and the Tomorrowland Academy to takeand use targeted photos and/or images of the minor participant for publicitypurposes (including but not limited to publication on the Tomorrowland Academy website,brochures, social media, ...). The Customer and participant expressly confirmthat non-targeted photos and/or images in which the minor participant may appear can be used by Tomorrowland and Tomorrowland Academy without suchpermission.


Article 10. Privacy andGDPR

1.      Tomorrowland processes Customer's personal datain accordance with applicable privacy and data protection regulations, inparticular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to theprocessing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealingDirective 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). More information onhow Tomorrowland processes personal data can be found by clicking on this hyperlink:


Article 11. Applicable law and competent court

1.      All contracts regarding the Activities concludedwith Tomorrowland as well as any disputes relating thereto shall be governedexclusively by Belgian law.

2.      In the event of any dispute between the Customerand Tomorrowland relating to these Terms and/or the Activities, the courts ofthe judicial district of Antwerp, Antwerp section, shall have exclusivejurisdiction.



1.      Customers registering for an Activity for adults(+18 years old) which includes tickets for the festival Tomorrowland Belgium,acknowledge and accept that the integral ticket and festival conditions of WAOW(available via the following link), as well as the following special exceptionto the ticket and festival conditions of Tomorrowland will always apply to ticketspurchased by the Customer as part of the Activity:

a.      Bracelets are not delivered to the Customer butare provided by Tomorrowland to the Customer during the Activity;

b.      The Customer does not need to pre-register forthe tickets;

c.      The Customer does not enjoy the benefit of the"first 20";

d.      The Customer may not use Tomorrowland’s exchangedesk;

e.      The Customer can personalize his/her ticket butcannot make name changes.

2.      Tickets are always offered by Tomorrowland on anavailability basis and the Customer cannot claim any automatic entitlement toTickets by registering for any Tomorrowland Academy Activity.

3.      When registering for an Activity for adultswhich includes tickets and a hotel stay (“Overnight”), the Customer will bedeemed to accept and comply with the terms and conditions of the third-partyprovider of the Overnight stay.